Monday, 25 February 2013

I'm back!

Disgraceful. Haven't written a blog since mid December last year, I closed 'Whatever Next' on a high note, I thought it'd remain that way.

The lack of writing isn't for lack of trying, or even not wanting to. I think it was probably best that I'd wait to write when I'd shaken a big black cloud that was hanging over my head.

I have at least 4 drafts of previous attempts, mainly all incredibly bitter, angry and generally ranting at the world and myself.

No one wants to read a venomous stream of consciousness, do they?

I was feeling quite miserable for a while. You'd think that after all that mostly hideous treatment, I'd be jumping for joy, skipping down the street and high fiving all the passers by when it was all over and a clear CT scan under my belt?

Alas not.

I've got to be quite good at disguising my feelings, not something I'm particularly proud of. However, it gets me through the situations where a blubbering wreck is not required. No one wants the human equivalent of Eeyore banging on about how life is so unfair. I do feel that it's time our fortunes changed, so I'm holding on to that.

So, I think I'm starting to turn a bit of a corner. I've been back at work since mid January on a part time basis, full time starts at the beginning of March. Work has been an incredibly positive experience for me.

Without wanting to sound glib... it's a great distraction and makes me feel useful again. My brain is waking up and I'm having to really think - I've confused myself (and probably a few of my colleagues) the past few weeks, but I'm confident that I'll be on top of it all before long.

I don't think I realised how much I valued my working life before I was forced to step away from it for 13 months.

So that's where I am with work.

Personal life, I'm managing to do more. I'm still getting late effects of treatment hampering me slightly, but nothing to really stop me from getting on with the things I want to do. Paul and I are planning some getaways mid and later this year. We've been getting our house just the way we want it too. Decorating, new carpets, plush bedding. Oh yeah, really liking that!

I've been getting more involved with BCUK, I'll elaborate on that further in the coming weeks. I'm very exciting to be part of the charity and am looking forward to more volunteering work in the coming months.

So, it's been a bit of a mixed bag up until recently. Just got to try and keep focusing on all the nice stuff happening in the coming weeks and months...starting with a look (and potential purchase) of this tomorrow :-D


  1. Welcome Back Hayley. Great read as always.
    Dont disguise your feelings, it bottles them up even more. If so, release them here...

    Great car by the way.

    Look forward to reading more

    Mark x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Mark, thank you taking a look at my post. I do vent, but I tend to keep these posts private

      I bought the car, pick it up this weekend, yay!

      Now, I'm about to take a look at your page...

      Thanks again.

      Hayley xx

  2. Well done on the blog Hayley look forward to reading more into it when I get some time to do so properly. Love the car. We all love cars here need to talk about them sometime. Hugs to you Hayley inspiration to others. Well done x Hugs x Lesley x

    1. Thank you once again Lesley for your support. You're a very busy Mumsie at the moment! You'll be a very proud mum to Laura tomorrow.

      Glad you love the car, I bought it :-) We can talk more when it's less hectic.

      Thanks for reading it.

      Hayley xx
